Friday, April 24, 2009

A House of Order - Organizational Time Out

I read something a while back in a book that I can't remember the title of or author, and I'm sure this is not how she said whatever it is that she was saying, but the impression/feeling that came to my mind was that sometimes we have to take a step back (a "time out") and allow ourselves the time to get organized so that things can run smoother. It takes time to set up systems and be organized, but it is for the benefit of ourselves (and our sanity), and our families.

So, I'm planning my "time out" strategy and how I can get myself organized without having everything get worse rather than better, which is usually what happens when I try to clean--I work on cleaning one room or area, and the kids work on messing it up! And sometimes (okay, a lot of the times) the area they mess up is an area I just left clean! I love those little tornadoes and wish I had even half their energy, and then my whole problem would be solved. I could whip around cleaning and organizing things faster than they could mess them up! Oh, that makes me tired just thinking about it!

Back to the "time out" plan. I'm pretty sure at this point that it is going to involve a couple of packs of paper plates and some good movies, playdough, paper, and activities for the kids. I'm not sure if it is going to involve me working after the kids go to bed (I was going to say "staying up late," but then I realized that I already do that, I just don't clean because I'm too busy enjoying a moment of sanity while thinking about everything that I should be doing!) 

My "time out" might come over the course of a couple of work like a horse days, or I might try to just plan time every day to do some organizing. I think I am going to have to do this when I get everything organized just so I can maintain stuff. 

So I just thought I would put this thought out there as my pregnant brain randomly jumps from one thought to another. Is there a way to organize your brain???

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